S&L Podcast - #464 - Awesome Bundle

So much good news! Telltale Games is making a game based on The Expanse! Season 2 trailer for Good Omens!Humble Bundle has Mercedes Lackey books. And we think it should stop being humble and admit it's awesome! Plus we check in on Fourth Wing. Turns out more people like it than you think.

Download directly here.


Tom: Yakisoba

Veronica: Watermelon Cocktail


Jan: Telltale Games is releasing an adventure game based on The Expanse by James SA Corey. The first episode will drop July 27th with further episodes being released every two weeks.

Spells: Good Omens S2 Trailer is out and it's adorable

RobertS: The Olympian Affair, the long-awaited follow-up to Jim Butcher's The Aeronaut's Windlass, releases November 7, 2023.

Mark: Jim Butcher has partnered with artist Tyler Walpole for limited-edition prints of each Dresden book, starting with Storm Front. Prints will be signed by both Jim and Tyler.

Kristy: This is specific to Australia, Aurealis Awards 2022 winners announced

Gristle McNerd: Humble Book Bundle: Mercedes Lackey: Valdemar and Beyond by DAW

Mark: The first Adrian Tchaikovsky story I read was "Precious Little Things" published at Tor.com. The short story was accompanied by artwork of a puppet commissioned by the publisher. Now the artist is putting the puppet up for sale.

Here's a link to the short story which is a prequel to a novella "Made Things" also published by Tor.com Both are good reads!



In Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels there is a wizard called Ponder Stibbons who designs an Ant computer called Hex.

Hex was shown in the TV adaptation of the Hogfather (2006) and it sported the label ""Anthill Inside


On a non-fisting note, I would like to say that I have met Adrian Tchaikovsky at a few conventions and, while he looks kind of intimidating (especially when he’s wielding a sword) he’s actually a lovely guy. "

This article, by Adrian himself, has a picture of Adrian Tchaikovsky smiling. For Veronica whose observation about him always looking serious, made me laugh :-)

Thanks to Kevin S who bought a t-shirt from the store!


Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Amazon link

What are we nomming for Fourth Wing?

FW: New/Young Adult Female-led Fantasy Bingo Card


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