S&L Podcast - #433 - Slow Burns

We discuss our March Madness winner, salute Martha Wells, and wrap up our copious thoughts about Pandora's Star. Are you in with the motiles?

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WE HAVE A WINNER. A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark outvoted Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky 59.3% to 40.7%. And congrats to "Joyce usually picks badly" who won the bracket predictions with a score of 22, just edging out someone who did not title their brackets by one point. Once again thanks to Roberator for keeping everyone up to date on the progress throughout the tourney! And remember the real winner is our reading lists

Paul: Regarding the 2021 Nebula Awards Finalists
Here's a Quote from the official website:
Author Martha Wells graciously declined her nomination as a novella finalist this year for Fugitive Telemetry: Murderbot Diaries, Book 6, published by Tordotcom. Wells felt that the Murderbot Diaries series has already received incredible praise from her industry peers and wanted to open the floor to highlight other works within the community.

Jan: Esquire has released their list of the best 50 fantasy novels of all time.
And their list of the 50 best science fiction novels of all time!

Jan: The Romantic Novelists’ Association (RNA) has announced the winners for the 2022 Romantic Novel Awards

Jan: The SFWA, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America is changing its name to The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.

Jan: The Tolkien Estate has added lots of new unpublished art by JRR Tolkien to their recently launched website archive creating "a lush painting of Middle Earth.


Brian posted this in Quick Burns but it's not news. However it is funny.
"Vaguely fantasy (of a sort) related that seemed worth sharing.
From twitter: Kane 謝凱堯 @kane
The Lion King is about the brutal counter-coup of a monarchy to restore primogeniture after it was deposed by a popular leader supported by oppressed minorities forced to live in the Elephant Graveyard ghetto. If you supported Simba and thought Scar was a villain you are a pawn of royalist propaganda and lèse-majesté"

Trike has a dissertation on the linguistic history of crow and rooster available in the goodreads thread


Next episode we will kick off A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark


Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton

PS: I’m really enjoying it

From HarryB on Discord:
Since I chimed in earlier on the "ick factor" let me give it another try (I'm more than half way now). Yeah, I get it, future society, sexual liberation, near immortality releases old boundaries, ok. It's not so much the presence of such stuff, it's ubiquitous in many genres, although yeah, some of the age differences are a bit skeevy, but it's not so much that as Hamilton's writing and the attitude it projects, intentionally or not -- I feel like he's leering every time he presents sexual content. Take this random passage description of a woman from page 395 "She had a very short leather skit and a white blouse with a low cut front showing off a huge cleavage." I mean can't you just hear that last phase spoken in a Homer Simpson voice (in the same tone Homer describes donuts)? I mean, I'd expect that from some 50s Jim Thompson paperback junk spy novel or such, but it feels out of place here. There's just something about his way of writing. Look, it's not a big deal I think, even I question my own take on it, I'm enjoying the book, the world building, and so

onCham1nade on Discord:
The way I’ve been explaining it to myself is: it’s like eating homemade chocolate chip walnut cookies, only the home chef cracked their own walnuts and some of the shells got in the cookies. So if you can eat around the bits of shell, the cookie itself is delicious.

I love the detective elements, the espionage elements, and quite a lot of the alien elements. And I’m intrigued by his exploration of what effect regeneration capability would have on a society. I’m not sure his understanding of sociology and human communities is strong enough to make it a believable picture, but there’s definitely some good questions and ideas in there


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #432 - Does the Crow Rooster?

We have thoughts about why a rooster crows. Plus all the Nebula news and more awards. And we dig into our non-spoilery thoughts on Pandora’s Star.

Download directly here!


Tom: San Pellegrino (But someday Star Trek wines)

Veronica: Tepache cocktail


March Madness continues! Head to Sword and Laser click on the March Madness section to see the brackets and then click on the link to the polls to vote on which books will advance to the next round. Thanks again to Rob who calculated all the stats for the first two rounds and makes it easy to find the polls! who do you think has the upper page in this competition?

The 2021 Nebula Awards Finalists have been announced.

Jan: Locus Magazine reports that the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America have announced that the 2022 Nebula Awards will be entirely virtual.

Mark: The 2022 Audie Awards were handed out.

Paul: Brandon Sanderson's Kickstarter campaign broke Kickstarter's record for most money raised in a 24-hour period.

Joanna: Shortlist for British Science Fiction Association Awards had been announced:
There is a Peter F. Hamilton book in there, but the short one.


Madness of Another Kind

TT Linse
Great first sci-fi for kids! Per what you were saying on @swordandlaser The Aliens Are Coming by Colin McNaughton is so wonderful. My kids, at 15, and I still quote this book and think of it fondly!!

Oct 4, 2021
THE EMPRESS OF SALT AND FORTUNE, Nghi Vo. The story is about a story collector hearing a story. So it's about who writes history, and why they chose that way to tell the story, and how the pieces come together. #Hugos2021 #novella@MitchamBeth

Reread for @swordandlaser. This time I watched the storyteller watching the collector to see what was understood, not only the what but the why. And I liked how the collector was willing to admit when they didn't understand it all. Also there was a cool bird.I listened to the "How I Built Goodreads" interview on NPR earlier. Very interesting. I like the conclusion that the site came out better because it was more of a passion project. -- Drake Tungsten


Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton

The prologue


The Book's Pacing: Is it Slow For You, Too?


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

Review us on iTunes!feedback@swordandlaser.com
